Transportation for Mental Health Appointments

Does NCSSM provide transportation to mental health appointments? If so, how does it work?

Student Life is happy to work with students and families to provide transportation for medical and counseling appointments as well as emergency services inside the Durham city limits. Transportation is coordinated and provided by our on-duty Student Life staff. Due to the volume of potential requests and our staffing ability, there may be times when your transportation request can not be accommodated due to high demand. In those instances, we ask that you contact your provider in an effort to reschedule. Parents and guardians are also welcome to transport their child to appointments or arrange for transportation at their discretion. Counselors are also available to assist students in the coordination of teletherapy appointments. If students choose to meet with their therapists virtually, they may do so in their residence hall rooms or they can work with their counselor to identify a confidential space on campus.

The transportation request form should be completed well in advance of your appointment(s). After receiving your submitted form, the availability of transportation will be assessed and you will receive an email confirmation or an email prompt for you to secure alternate transportation and/or reconnect with your provider to reschedule your appointment to a time in which transportation is available or to meet virtually. 

If your appointment time changes or is canceled for any reason, please email Mrs. Oxendine at and copy your counselor as soon as possible. Additionally, if you do not receive an email confirmation or email prompt within 2 weekdays after submitting your request form or if you have any questions,  please email Mrs. Oxendine and copy your counselor.